[EN] Services can be provided in English or French in either province. If you are experiencing difficulty with the booking system, please email drleon@leonpsychology.ca

[FR] Les services sont offerts en anglais et en français dans les deux provinces. Si vous éprouvez des difficultés avec le système de réservation, veuillez envoyer un courriel à drleon@leonpsychology.ca.

Psychology / Psychologie

A clinical psychologist holds a doctoral and/or master’s degree in clinical psychology. Clinical psychology is the study of how people think, feel and behave as well as the study of mental disorders and their treatment. // Un(e) psychologue clinicien(ne) détient une maîtrise ou un doctorat en psychologie clinique (Ph.D. ou D.Psy.). La psychologie clinique est l’étude de la façon dont les gens p... Read More

A clinical psychologist holds a doctoral and/or master’s degree in clinical psychology. Clinical psychology is the study of how people think, feel and behave as well as the study of mental disorders and their treatment. // Un(e) psychologue clinicien(ne) détient une maîtrise ou un doctorat en psychologie clinique (Ph.D. ou D.Psy.). La psychologie clinique est l’étude de la façon dont les gens pensent, se sentent et se comportent ainsi que l’étude des troubles mentaux et de leur traitement.

Neuropsychology / Neuropsychologie

Neuropsychological treatment refers to the intervention that targets the areas of weakness highlighted in a neuropsychological (or psycho-educational) report and supports families long-term in concretely implementing the suggestions into their daily lives as well as support problem-solving. // L’intervention neuropsychologique (aussi appelé traitement) désigne l’intervention qui cible les point... Read More

Neuropsychological treatment refers to the intervention that targets the areas of weakness highlighted in a neuropsychological (or psycho-educational) report and supports families long-term in concretely implementing the suggestions into their daily lives as well as support problem-solving. // L’intervention neuropsychologique (aussi appelé traitement) désigne l’intervention qui cible les points faibles mis en évidence dans un rapport neuropsychologique (ou psychoéducatif) et vise à soutenir les familles à long terme. L'intervention aide les familles à implémenter concrètement les suggestions dans leur vie quotidienne et à résoudre les problèmes lorsque qu'ils surviennent.


The practice of psychotherapy is the assessment and treatment of cognitive, emotional or behavioural disturbances by psychotherapeutic means, delivered through a therapeutic relationship.

Ms. Bruyea is a registered psychotherapist (qualifying) with 10 years of experience as a behavioural therapist in Ottawa. She has a passion for connecting with and helping children and teens. She strongly believes that there is no “one size fits all” and instead works with each youth collaboratively to develop a unique psychotherapy plan that works for them. Her particular interests include ADHD, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and emotional dysregulation.

Ms. Bruyea is a registered psychotherapist (qualifying) with 10 years of experience as a behaviou... Read More

Dr. Faulconbridge is a doctoral-level child and adolescent psychologist.

Her areas of expertise include: autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ADHD, anxiety disorders, phobias, depression, behavioural problems, social difficulties, adjustment, intellectual disability, emotional dysregulation, trauma, parenting difficulties, and executive dysfunction.

Dr. Faulconbridge is a doctoral-level child and adolescent psychologist. Her areas of expertise ... Read More

Dr. Leon is an experienced psychologist who is passionate about helping children and adolescents navigate emotional, behavioural, and cognitive difficulties while supporting parents in responding optimally to these challenges. Her clinical interests include developmental, neurological, and chronic health conditions involving the brain (e.g., epilepsy, concussions), mental health difficulties (e.g., depression, anxiety, phobias), and cognitive difficulties (e.g., attention, memory, executive functions). ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Dre Léon est une psychologue expérimentée qui est passionnée par le développement de l’enfant, les compétences parentales, la santé mentale et le développement cognitif. Tout au long de sa formation et de sa carrière, elle s’est consacrée à aider les enfants et adolescents à naviguer leurs difficultés cognitives et de santé mentale. Dre Léon traite les problématiques suivantes : dépression, anxiété, phobies, douleur, difficultés cognitives (p.ex., attention, mémoire et fonctions exécutives).

Dr. Leon is an experienced psychologist who is passionate about helping children and adolescents ... Read More

Chantal Robitaille est une psychologue et psychothérapeute avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience. Elle oeuvre auprès de la clientèle adolescente, adulte et aînée. Mme Robitaille traite les problématiques suivantes: troubles anxieux, dépression, transitions difficiles, deuils, difficultés d’adaptation, dysphorie de genre, stress post-traumatique et autres.

Chantal Robitaille est une psychologue et psychothérapeute avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience. Elle... Read More

Ms. Subitha Tharmakulasagaram is a Registered Psychotherapist, currently completing her qualifying hours. Subitha is dedicated to assisting children and teens in crisis who suffer from depressive or anxious symptoms. She is committed to providing culturally-sensitive and trauma-informed care, recognizing and respecting the unique needs of individuals from diverse backgrounds. - - - - - - - - - - - Mme Subitha Tharmakulasagaram est une psychothérapeute autorisée, qui termine actuellement ses heures de qualification. Subitha se consacre à aider les enfants et les adolescents en crise qui souffrent de symptômes dépressifs ou anxieux. Elle s’engage à fournir des soins adaptés à la culture et aux traumatismes, en reconnaissant et en respectant les besoins uniques des personnes de divers milieux.

Ms. Subitha Tharmakulasagaram is a Registered Psychotherapist, currently completing her qualifyin... Read More

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